Saturday, March 13, 2010

US based ISP Needed for National Bicycle Greenway web site

Because someday being able to ride on a National Bicycle Greenway is of no interest to off-shore Internet Service Provciders, the ISP I had been using viewed as just another web site that did not have to be looked after with any special care. Toward that end, their switching servers that housed our site, which they did three times that I am painfully aware of, much compromised how we show up on the web. In fact, they made such a mess of our maps we had to stop running them (thank God for Google's new bike mapping feature). This as all the photo galleries of our seven years of Mayors' Rides were all thrown out of order and also reformatted incorrectly, again more than once, I had to give up trying to fix them. Etc, etc..

This as some of the volunteer developers who worked with us complained about them too. And yet every year when the Mayors' Ride flames died down and there was time to make the needed switch, the money stopped coming inn too. So we were left to hope and pray things would get better in the year ahead. However, as our site kept growing, things went from bad to worse. So bad that now is off line and  an ambulance chaser bought the domain name.

We will be back better than ever though with a domain name I dare not to announce until we buy it less someone bags it too and then also holds it hostage. That said, can anyone suggest an ISP on American soil that is reputable and hopefully has a big service window (hours and staff)?

   THX 4 all of U!! 

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